Speaking as the Official Arch-Nemesis of monsieur Fitzgerald, this is dreadful.
Land pirates? Such a fantastic idea could not possibly belong to this author. It must be plagiarism. He stole the idea from me before I had the chance think of it.
This theft of intellectual property is intolerable and I won't stand for it.
Alas, but it is not. The Land Pirates were a group of ICP-hating GWAR fans in Reno who would grill up road kill during a GWAR-B-Q and do backyard wrestling (I swear these words have meaning, I am not having a stroke). Eventually, they made peace with the Juggalos after sharing crack. I'm one of those frauds who "writes what they know".
Thanks for sharing
No, thank you!
Speaking as the Official Arch-Nemesis of monsieur Fitzgerald, this is dreadful.
Land pirates? Such a fantastic idea could not possibly belong to this author. It must be plagiarism. He stole the idea from me before I had the chance think of it.
This theft of intellectual property is intolerable and I won't stand for it.
Alas, but it is not. The Land Pirates were a group of ICP-hating GWAR fans in Reno who would grill up road kill during a GWAR-B-Q and do backyard wrestling (I swear these words have meaning, I am not having a stroke). Eventually, they made peace with the Juggalos after sharing crack. I'm one of those frauds who "writes what they know".
...and I'll get you yet, Mayhem!
I see. Then I suppose you must carry on, storytellers must tell their stories.
Nevertheless I might check with a neurologist if I were you. I'm sure they would be just as enthralled by these stories as the rest of us have been.
[no one is chuckling hard enough to break kayfabe right now, not me] Confound you! GRRRRRR!
Have at thee, cur! Knave!
The bureaucrats in the UWA take their jobs seriously! Looking forward to the next chapter...
They know their mauve-colored paper from their lilac, that's for sure!
Nice! Thanks for sharing.
No, thank you for reading!